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Advantages of Social Narratives
Social skills and stories involve the outline of what people should do socially and expect the society to portray. The social skills are mainly taught in schools to ensure pupils are able to relate with another. This is mainly through formation of groups and competitive lessons. Read more great facts, click this link  here. The students are able to learn how to win and also accept defeat when one has lost. When it comes to social relations students are taught on how they should relate with the people who are older than them. They also learn how to live in peace with the fellow students and how they can solve any issues that may arise between. Without the social narrative the world would have been a different place since people would have done what pleases them without any respect for others. They would also be no relationship forged between the students and also the seniors. You will find that the lessons can be taught orally or through books written on various editions and topics. Students are also taught how to react in various situations depending on what is happening. You can view for more info here.
The tutors and teachers who need to teach such lessons can do them through practise it using various books. This involves having the pupils learn the social situations they will encounter in real life. Some students may also experience something different while at home or on their way to school. By learning the various instances and asking questions regarding the outside experience that the students have. They will be able to tell what is right and wrong this means they will be socially intelligent. This entails also using some words which are not commonly applied. This words entails appreciation for something that had been done. Being mindful of others by helping those who are in need. Engaging people and ensuring that you don't utter words that are offensive or doing something that will cause others to be angry.
On the onset of pandemics and natural calamities. There are lessons which people need to be taught on how to react to such situations. This ensures that people are able to be saved in such times and making sure people are calm when the things are not right. You also need to be aware on how to stay safe and become a part of the people who are leading others in helping out with medicines and any help required. Ensure that you should also read all the things concerning social lives of people. Please view this site for further  details.